Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Girl, Olivia Bento

I have make whole house burger bento for my family members but only my girls' one is slightly different with others. 

Yes, her burger got her look! ^-^ I showed her early in the very morning and after she saw and immediate reaction was.... ME!!! (Olivia) I will never let anyone touch my FACE!

The bread apply with butter and slightly mayo and inner with some vegetables and tomatoes and egg and chicken meat. I also packed it with some juicy grapes and a packet of Ribena.  

Friday, February 17, 2012

Miniature penguins Bento

Miniature penguins are made from bread and wrap with chicken floss. Details are adding from nori and cheese.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Teddy Bento

Teddy are made from chicken floss and details are adding nori.