Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fun Clay

Mummy had long list things to buy for Olivia. Mom in law is traditional lady, she always had the perception that " Toys is not valued added & waste money concept" (totally not agree). In order not to against any party,mummy always have to be extra careful in selection goodies for her so that to have win-win situation. Mummy have to make a deal with Olivia that if she behave well for the coming whole week in such ways:-
1) Get up from bed - no moody
2) Back from school - no crying*
3) Having her lunch and dinner in slightly faster than normal.*

* (She used to cry and moody is because she is tired, exhausted from school and sleep will be her solution. However, her expression way was not agree by mom in law and could also influence my mom in law in bad mood and final consequences will be we back from work and seeing the black face.) ^-^'

Then awards will be this box of Fun Clay. 

Asking a kid to remember the deal could be easy, but to commit in this deal really not easy. I am glad she follow thru. 

Besides, she will remind me Yeah, mummy today is Monday. I had passed thru this day, I still have Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday! (It also alert her and keep her aware 7 days in a week lessons)

On Saturday morning, we had brought her to bring this home and you can tell her smiley face and how high satisfaction she get this fun clay.


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